[2022] Crack the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer exam
4 min readNov 3, 2021
Hi ! This is a short blog article where I share my thoughts and advice on taking Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer certification exam. We will address the following questions:
- Why getting certified as a Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer ?
- What is the exam about ?
- What are the things you should know before going to the exam ?
- Time management and exam taking strategies ?
- BEST (opinionated …) Resources to crack the GCP Data Engineer certification exam
Why getting certified as a Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer ?
Here are 6 reasons that will make you BADLY want that GCP badge
- GCP Data Engineer is the Highest Paying IT certification according to a study performed by Global Knowledge
- You will be able to design, build and operationalise Data Processing systems in cloud / hybrid settings. Which is a highly valued skill in the market.
- You will improve your data architecture / system design skills in the process.
- Googlers who happen to be among the people who are pushing the boundaries of…